Google vs. Facebook |
You'll now find the approx. site hits, hits by different visitors, and even the approx. site rank on the web. As you can see in the photo below (click it for a larger version) that Google is the top visited website on the Internet and Facebook is the second. Wow. They are two successful Internet start-ups. Really.
Compare more sites, and if you get something interesting, add it in the comments below! Oh yes, and you cannot use Wolfram|Alpha to analyze your hosted blog (like WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Tumblr or whatnot).
Remember to check out my other posts in this series in the archives. They're fun. You may learn how to mix up digital colours, see what place is directly opposite to you on Earth, look up where your favorite satellite or space probe is right now (or the International Space Station) and much, much, more.
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