Now, as this is rolling out, you won't necessarily see all of these features at once, and they make take time coming to your area. Even I haven't got all the features Google speaks about.
This is the video Google released that explains everything:
Here are the new changes in functionality:
- You don't need a mouse to search anymore. Just hit Enter after you have typed in the results, or are happy with the results showing below as you type. A little arrow will appear near the first search result. Now you can press the up or down arrows to go down result by result, and hit Enter to go to the website. See, that's even more time-saving.
Hey, if you remember my essential browser keyboard shortcuts, then you should have no problem in navigating to the Google homepage and using Google Instant without using the mouse AT ALL.
- Google Instant now available when searching Blogs, Videos, Discussions, News, Books and more (this is not yet available to me).
- Google Instant available to (Google Account) logged in users in Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine.
Here's the original Official Google Blog post about the enhancements. I'm sure more new features are coming soon.