Friday, November 5, 2010

How to set up multiple Twitter accounts using just one email address

Twitter is a really effective tool for social networking, and even for publicizing your business, website or blog. Recently, I thought of creating a Right Now In Tech Twitter account so that I can update more frequently. (Well, RNIT is now on Twitter. I'd appreciate if you'd follow and retweet, and help me get some new readers.)

I set off. When creating my account, I was stopped by Twitter. It said that the email I was using was already in use. Of course, that was my personal account. I really didn't want to use my old email address, which I don't use frequently. So, I went out, looking for a workaround. And I found one.

Well, this trick only works if you're using Gmail (as far as I know). Maybe it now works on other web email services and I don't know it. But read along and understand the trick. You'll understand if it works on your email service.

For this, you have to use dots. Yes. In Gmail, you can put a dot anywhere in your address. You probably got to know this when you where creating your account. It doesn't matter if the email is typed '', '' or even ''. Gmail automatically redirects it to you.

So, when you are creating a second account for your business, blog or whatever, type in your email address with a fullstop. Twitter will accept it and you will recieve all the email normally, no hiccups.

And remember, Right Now In Tech is on Twitter. Don't want to follow me on Twitter? You do have more options. See this page. Also, check out my other posts and recommend to friends.
