Sunday, November 28, 2010

New series: Going To The Cloud!

I'm starting yet another series here at Right Now In Tech. This is the first post. I'll guide you through the process of migrating your digital life from your computer to the cloud. You can either follow along as I write posts, or you can take ideas and do as you wish.

It's a series starting here. So you should be subscribing to this blog. Thus, you will not miss out my new articles. There's no hassle. No registration. Just use RSS. If you use Facebook or Twitter, you're even better off.

See this page for details.

What is the cloud?
The cloud refers to the web. Nowadays, with the Internet becoming so ubiquitous, people store so much of their life online, and spend so much of their time on the web. The idea of storing so much of our data online (in the cloud) is not very new, but it is taking off around this time.

It is so serious, that there are operating systems being made that store most of the things online, instead of on your computer and use online services primarily for all your tasks. Take the Google Chrome OS for example. It's just a web browser built over Linux essentially. It makes a pretty good operating system that could be released anytime now. It will be free. Other examples are Jolicloud (also free).

Why use the cloud?
There are a lot of reasons people are moving to the cloud. Nowadays Internet connections are really fast (for those with slow connections like me, we'll progress soon) and websites work more like local programs. We can upload photos and videos quite fast too.

What does this mean? We can use the cloud very nicely now. Additionally, there are a lot of advantages of utilizing it
  • Data is secure: If we have the data stored online, we don't need to care about it. Lose your computer, damage it or survive a natural disaster. You just won't lose the data. If you are using a good online service, you don't need to worry too. The data is copied on multiple servers.
  • Data can be shared: When it's on the cloud, your family and friends can see it more easily. Just give them permissions and they can see your vacation photos and video from anywhere in the world. You don't need to burn CDs or copy stuff back and forth on flash drives.
  • There's less hardware involved: As I mentioned in the previous point, you don't need CDs or other storage media to transfer files here and there. Just upload it to a server and you can download it from anywhere. Everything is accessible from anywhere. 
  • Everything's in sync: When your stuff is online, it can be better synchronized between devices. Again, you don't require actual hardware media on your side to transfer data, just as I mentioned above. 
Because everyone is already moving to the cloud, I recommend you to do so to. Moreover, it's always fun to use new things. Let's make this world a more online place.

So follow along. Read all my posts and enjoy your new and improved, online life.

Once again, don't forget to subscribe to follow along. You can always unsubscribe later.

Update: Here's the first article!
Update: And here's the second! 
Update: And here's the third!
