Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Windows 8 might have an App Store (leaked photos)

Credit: SciencePro
Virtually all mobile operating systems have an app store of some kind. iOS has the iTunes App Store, Android has the Marketplace, even Symbian has the Ovi Store. But now, desktop operating systems seem to be getting into the trend too. Ubuntu has had the Software Center for a long time. Mac OS got its own App Store too.

An alleged photo of Windows 8, which has been given to OEMs for testing, show an App Store. And it is called the App Store for now, despite Apple trying to trademark the name.
The leaked screen shot shows several apps. All of them are Microsoft-made apps... except for Angry Birds and Opera. Inclusion of a competing web browser like that gives us reason to challenge the authenticity of the image. The publisher for Angry Birds in the image is Clickgamer.com, instead of Rovio. Also, there is no reason to have Mahjong, Chess and FreeCell in the apps, since they were the games built into Windows Vista and 7. However, the photo looks real enough.

The screenshot shows a clean look, somewhat like Windows Media Player. There is no Ribbon interface. Instead of the Ribbon, there appears to be a sidebar on the left. It links to other screens, like downloads and settings, just like iTunes. If you see the title bar (click the image to enlarge, as usual), it has the controversial name Windows 'App Store'.

[WinRumors via CNBeta via Download Squad]
