Friday, September 2, 2011

Blogger is finally ready with its new look

Google said in the beginning of this year that there were lots in store for Blogger in 2011. I expected a whole load of new features and blog design tools. Add-ins, even. Not all of the expectations were met though.

But after a lot of revamps on revamps in Draft, the new Blogger look is finally here though.
Overall, there are not a lot of new features in Google's blogging platform. The stats page particularly is organized really well, and the stats feature itself is a lot more integrated into other pages.

The look goes better with the new look Google got just a few weeks ago. Now we just have to wait for Blogger's renaming to 'Google Blogs'.

Over the next few days, a notification will start popping up on users' homepages. The new look is an opt-in at this time.

[via Blogger Buzz]
