Monday, December 19, 2011

Facebook Timeline now available worldwide

Facebook is introducing the new Timeline layout for profiles. Yep, another update for profile pages. But wait: Timeline is seriously the coolest thing Facebook has done in a while. And now it is available for everyone, even though you may think it isn't.
Basically, Timeline shows all your activity, photos and other stuff you have done on the social network since you joined in a, well... time line format. A Facebook Timeline has a cover image, which is a large photo of your choosing that you can display at the top of your profile.

Below it are all your previous photos, status updates and everything else. There is another new update for Facebook posts. We now have Life Stories, which are short notes/summaries of important events that have happened in your life. Traveled somewhere? Write a Life Story.

Of course you can hide whatever you want from the Timeline layout. You can also scroll all the way to the bottom of the Timeline and find out the exact date you joined Facebook, which is interesting.

For now, you need to go here to enable Timeline for your account. You have a few days to set up your Timeline as you want before everyone else can see it. Timelines will go live on Christmas day, but you can publish it whenever you like.

Over the past few days, Timeline has come as updates to the Android and iPhone apps as well as Timeline will come to iPad soon.
