The new Voice Search feature that they had announced long back took a while to show up for iOS, but it's finally here.
Apart from iPhone 5 support (finally!), this app adds a brand new Voice Search that bears resemblance to the Google Now interface on Android 4.1 and up.
The new Voice Search is awesome. While it cannot replace Siri technically (for obvious reasons), it can do a lot of the same stuff. You open the app, simply tap the microphone icon and with some cool animations, your iPhone or iPad starts Voice Search. You speak to it and it "streams" your dictation in real time. You see the words being written out and corrected.
What's even better is that you can ask it basic factual questions (with natural wording) and it answers back in voice that is a lot more human-like than Siri. For more information on what kinds of things you can ask or look up, see this page.
Download Google Search for iPhone and iPad here.